Is it a good investment future language learning?
been almost eight years since the appearance of " Visions 2020, a collection of articles by experts in technology published by the Ministry of Commerce and Education in the United States in September 2002. In one of these items is presented to a teacher about to retire, in conversation with another young teacher, on the other end of the world, without the language of communication present the slightest obstacle. This article is entitled "Teaching in 2025 : transformation education and technology ", and is one of the six translated in 2003 by the Eduteka.
Since then we have seen many initiatives to automate the translation online, but none, as far as I know, as surprising as the one with Google translation in real time. Uniting recognition and speech synthesis Google Translate, any device with Android operating system would allow real-time chat .
At the moment it seems that with many limitations, such as those caused by noise in certain environments, or rapid speech for example. But this will change, no doubt, and if we into account the large number of languages \u200b\u200b(more than 30 ) that recognizes Google Translate, the future is bright.
important thing is not whether this is done by Google or a small technology lab anywhere in the world. What is important is the way this question some social values \u200b\u200bin general, and education in particular. What foresight can do about the role of technology as a mediator in multilingual communication? Currently
corporate messages and job demands, are making the public a very high investment in time and energy for learning languages. "It's time to stop and wonder where is the line? 20ikastaroa
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