Play to learn languages \u200b\u200bsound
There are proposals for work in the field of language distinguished by the simple, without losing an iota of interest. In this case I mean Rhinospike. Is an environment that is offered to collect texts in any language with the aim that someone, usually native-record them. More simple hardly can be imagined, but the payoff can be large. Why?
1. Written texts are made as request by someone who is learning a particular language. Imagine English.
2. These texts are recorded by someone, on an entirely voluntary, being reflected at all times who is on special and what-if any-tape.
3. Who has recorded, in turn, may be learning another language and therefore also have the option to ask someone to record texts in Russian, for example.
4. In this way will produce a network of supportive exchanges, totally authentic, as individual needs, but available to all users-as collective.
5. You can establish contacts between the users-as, exchange of courtesies, proposals, etc.
Is not this really cooperative learning, social construction, ...? Can you give more for less? 20ikastaroa
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