Friday, April 30, 2010

Herpes Throat Bloody Phlegm


Blogging Friday night instead of Saturday morning so that I can not stay a month without post , and taking time where there is not. Much trouble, hard work, and leisure was once for comics + movies + social life (?) + blog only gives to comics + movies + social life (???). But there's more. Lack of topics.

When you start a blog (and this goes for three years) have a whole world out there than you write and you do almost daily. Tell that to Peter Narrow (must read, hear), if not write four posts a day is because he writes five. But then the topics are exhausted, and everything you can think you've already tried before.

editorial blunders "? Well, lately the thing is pretty calm and Metro is not what it was ten years ago or pity, or make a "less evil. "Events? Well, until they have done Siege or The darkest night, little to talk about. Any new authors? Unremarkable. Currently? After Disneymarvel and new direction in DC, calm. Crisis? Having Hayles, but publishers refuge in sales volumes to the unconditional, ie, the action always. "Impact of new technologies? What one knows. "Loeb? Hombreeeee .... Loeb, forever!

New Ultimates is the umpteenth iteration of Loeb style, the combination of star artist, Frank Cho, and lots of characters who come and go without rhyme or reason. But where do given the Breast is Ultimate X . The protagonist is a typical American teen pimp, pimps and all the typical American teenagers, makes racing with another pimp like himself. Lo and behold, it crashes and when his girlfriend, "which is what kicked off the race, yes," comes to the remains of the car does not see the mangled body of her boyfriend pimp but pimp boyfriend recovering from wounds with healing factor. The girl, instead of rejoicing for the survival of her pimp boyfriend what he does, oh yes, is repudiated by mutant. For macarra not repudiated, but mutant itself. Loebiana originality, which only lacks a Japanese saying teleportation "Pimp saves, saves the world."

Japanese teleport there, but a Kitty Pride that appears in the house of macarrilla to bring a message from her late father's true, it is ... Wolverine! The message is not a letter, or a recording. It is a hologram. A hologram of Wolverine with claws at the ready!

"Let me hold you, my son!"

course. That's what you do when you tell someone you're their father. I see you with his claws. Or lack of claws, a knife, a gun, bazooka good ... Loeb, awkward, cliché, bad. Very bad. Loeb, always with star designers. Thankfully, lately I have been stuck in hulkianas sagas forgotten and irrelevant and Ultimate Universe, there where no harm, with hope, sure, that you forget the photos compremetedoras having Joe Quesada.

Anything else? "Movies? Now start the season. We'll see if Iron Man 2 given for a post. And, okay, Kick-Ass and Losers and Jonah Hex ... "Controversial? Here the problem is that I learn later, if I do. As it's Glenat and Dolmen at the expense of the book cover of the latest on Death Note. The usual that if they knew nada, que si no lo han hecho a propósito,... como cuando publicaban las columnas de Peter David, como con los libros de TwoMorrows,... Más polémicas: lo de los "intelectuales contra el comic", el tal Vicente Molina Foix, diciendo que el comic no es cultura o chorrada semejante y, ale, todos contra él. Hecho: hemos ganado. El tebeo forma parte de la cultura, popular o impopular, y ni ejércitos de Molina Foixes podrán impedirlo. Se siente.

Y, hace poco, Fernando Trueba que no tiene otra manera de criticar En tierra hostil que decir que le parecía "una película se superhéroes, llena de propaganda muy sucia". Aquí lo que me interesarían are the arguments that lead to that statement, because I've just seen. The Hurt Locker is the story of an adrenaline junkie, someone who prefers to defuse bombs in Iraq to live in Wisconsin with her precious son and his beautiful wife, played by casting achieving one of the most desirable women in America (and beyond), Evangeline Lily.

"Deactivate bombs in Iraq or Evangeline Lily?
difficult position."

The film I liked but half asleep and saw in a theater of the Gran Via in Madrid by which the hall of my school seems Kinépolis. Half asleep or not, did not see it anywhere it's parallel with the superhero genre, and looks that would have been a point in his favor. In any case The Hurt Locker could be much worse. It could be a movie Trueba.

All this is old news, some of the beginning of the school year. Read them, stored them, but then I lacked the time or desire to start writing. And, besides, of course, is Twitter.

Peaz invention, Twitter. Many potential issues I could post me the air in one or two tweets, which shows that the blogger media has over-talkative or issues that really were not that important. Twitter is live, fresh, properly ephemeral ... and allows to find out how Jim Lee flirts with the iPad or the many meetings that have Geff Johns or Brian Bendis saying it is the first to read the scripts of the Marvel movies but can not say anything about the content. ..

This one's blog is not going to end, but I do want to formalize its irregularity. More than anything to take away the guilt of not writing, that feeling of betrayal to my regular fans (I love you, nice people), feelings probably unfounded but they are there. Be written when time and topic, more in summer than in the rest of the year, contrary to the whole world. What we do keep you updated on Twitter is that you can follow those and you please the right column or via web .

And now I leave this weekend I have to correct several tests and make the case that on Tuesday I go again, to Sweden, not to mention a baptism on Sunday and trying to make a hole to see Iron Man 2 . Of course, while in Sweden, posts, nothing, and tweets counted.

You see what I say?


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