Thursday, March 18, 2010

Peace Sign Bath Ensembles

: innovation in education and place

There are still interesting things to say about education. Just missing! and some of those things said Alfons Cornella (creator and director of Infonomía ) at the official presentation of the Eskola 2.0., last Wednesday, March 10.
is the contribution of someone who says "no expert" in education, and "baby" ideas to be developed primarily in two works:
1. Disrupting class of Clyton M. Christensen, disruptive innovation can not be done from within, always comes from outside in all fields and in education.
2. The Element , Sir Ken Robinson. Posted in Castilian as element, by the editorial Grijalbo. (Video on Youtube ): only learn what you want to learn. In the beginning of all learning is the motivation ... So the main task is to help discover what each one likes, connect to your main intelligence type (referring to the proposed Gardner's multiple intelligences).
The two come together in the definition of education: teaching is not filling bottles, as proposed by the current standard design, but the lighting of fires. Major contribution to students: helping them to determine how they learn and search for strategies to exploit.
technology makes sense in so far as used to help ignite fires. And these fires of innovation will start in areas where there is no alternative, or where no conflicts with the mores. For example, electives that do not have professional face and can be taken through an online proposal. Another case is that of rural schools that can go from having a teacher to have many thanks to technology.
The profes-as we well to be coaches, guides, content engineers, assistant fire starter. There is no alternative, we are forced to experiment, to use the technology without waiting for pre-dominate ...



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