Saturday, April 30, 2011

How To Stabilize A Brookstone Helicopter

Salt Life Flower Poche

Hi, how are you?

Over here on Monday is a holiday.

Furthermore I show the progress of Xioe salt. Xioe Thanks!

This is my first shot with Cartonnages, which I find very beautiful and interesting, I never stopped to think about the size a carton, and I see that there are many, even in names, but hey, this contact has led me to start experimenting.

These advances are one and two, in the absence of the third and final step is montar.Las fabrics I used are of tapestry, and gives great body and has stuck very well, (before the whole line, I lined a petal to see what it was).

Thanks for being there and Happy Mother's Day!.
to be happy!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Counteract Sweetness In Chilie

Mad At Fleur Couture 4.


Well, how about the mini vacation? I hope that very well and full of energy @ s.

see this?


this locasporlacostura . Thanks Anna!

On the other hand I know that there are many sales, but even so here's a list: Dear Jane


If you are interested passes blog Arantxa
This project, many people are doing it for me will be a challenge, yes, I signed up and more is at your own pace, (I like that sounds good) but do not know if my fingers will be able to block such kids, but I've thrown.

also through Bethlehem I discovered a salt, I have the photo, past the Blog, and if you're interested, as you know, starting 29 this month.

other hand traveling the network, I discovered the BOM "secrets of Marie de quiltmania , I find it interesting because in the end if you want when you finish you participate in an exhibition organized by, well passing through your page and get all data.

Many greetings and be happy!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dawn Tied Up By Team Rocket

Torrijas and Empanadas.XQAL: Block 3 Stars


again here, how are the holidays? Well? Hope you're having phenomenal though lluvia.Me love these parties, for short intense and emotional, you can ask for more? Since I accounts. Thursday

Here I am dedicated to the toast, are the breakfast and lunch that day if they sobrado.Este year I made bread without salt and are exquisitas.Mirad not make you want to take any? Are dairy and dipped in cinnamon sugar, mmmmmmmm delicious (I have grandmothers, but say they have much success).

In addition to this high plateau area of \u200b\u200bMurcia, is very typical potato patties, look painting:

have been made with potatoes fried in plenty of olive oil , and add them once fried clove and pepper, parsley, pine nuts, Mix everything well and let it drain all the oil noche.Al next day you add sliced \u200b\u200bboiled eggs, drained tuna, red pepper, drained and mixed well, that's the stuffing that lead and then the mass is done with flour, oil, fry the potatoes and let stand blanco.Se came over an hour and filled.
These are cooked in oven riquísismas.Si leña.Están repeat testing.

And after my recipe, which is typical of the region at this time? I would like to know.

On the other hand I introduce blocks XQAL , and as always to do two patrón.Vamos by block 3.These are


And the two close together:

Hope to hear typical of the region at this time.
Thanks for being there.

soon and be happy

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How Do Bearded Dragons Shit

Hi! There

as tiempoooooooooooooo pass!
Well, what are you doing? I hope you have a good Easter holiday.
As you know on Monday and Wednesday I kind of patchwork, the name of "charrete" and I enjoy, time flies, we assume that at ten and left at noon but today at 0:30 was still in the classroom.

Well, the kind I like to do projects that have nothing to do with what I do here, and this year, playing star, I started when I came back from Sitges and it goes, all "paper - piecing" I love sewing machine , and this technique is one of my favorites.

This project consists of plus or minus twenty stars, do not know if you have a name, if you have a name you'd do the first four saber.Aquí: N.1

N.2 N.3


and the first four

And at home I like to do with you EClick qu @ s, if not propose things that might not do.
the other hand I want to thank you for stopping by, thank you very much!.

mini May you a happy holiday!

soon and be happy!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Prom Dress Catologs For Free

Full of seam 3 ... and 2 Quilt Block Sitges XQAL


long time without "posting!, But hey, how about the spring you are and how about you bear?
We are making progress in salt" Full of stitching of AnnaOrduña , this is my proposal to block three:

Since we are on the fourth block and the blocks are really very cool, go through the blog of Ana and you take a look at the blocks 3 of the compis of salt.

On the other hand, this is the second star quilt Christmas "Christmas Quilt Along " and this is the March:

have to make two blocks per pattern, and here the two juntitos:

Earlier this month through Pilarín Blog, Pilar , I found this proposal to make a bag and a basket, do you think?:


Like? Aurora, offers a tutorial on your blog , stop and take a look and see the beautiful things he does.

soon and be happy!